Internship and Fellowship Opportunities for Current Graduate Students

SBS Special Funds

The School of Biological Sciences (SBS) is committed to supporting graduate research and education. Graduate Fellowships and Research Awards are available to SBS graduate students for research supplies or travel to scientific meetings to make poster or oral presentations or field collection sites. Students must submit a new application every year to be considered for a graduate award.

Graduate students may only apply for only ONE category, not both:

  • Travel - For travel to meetings or field sites. Funds are paid directly to students.
  • Research - For equipment and supplies. Funds may be monitored within the School of Biological Sciences

It is also important to choose the ONE research area that best fits your work so we can properly appropriate funds according to the intent of the donor.

Please send applications directly to the Graduate Coordinator at

2025-2026 Grad Student Special Funds Application - DUE March 14, 2025

ORISE STEM Internships and Fellowships Database

STEM internships and fellowships managed by ORISE offer a wide range of research experiences for college students, postdocs and university faculty at national laboratories and federal agencies nationwide.

ORISE connects the most talented and diverse college students, recent graduates, postdocs, and faculty to STEM internship and fellowship programs closely aligned with the interests of a variety of research facilities, including those managed for the U.S. Department of Energy and more than a dozen other federal agencies. These STEM internship and fellowship programs are key to the recruitment and preparation of the next generation of our nation’s scientific workforce.

More details available here.



NASA Headquarters' Ecological Conservation Application Area Internship

This is a full-time (preferable) or half-time internship for Fall of 2023. Interns can work remotely or in person at NASA Headquarters in Washington, D.C. This intern will support fellow interns to generate data-driven insights relevant to program investments for communications and outreach.


1. U.S. Citizenship

More details available here.

Additional NASA Internship Opportunities



Milton Mohr Fellowship

The Milton E. Mohr Awards Program recognizes outstanding students in the sciences of biotechnology and engineering based on their academic performance and potential for accomplishments in their specific field.

Applicants have an accumulative GPA of 3.5 or greater are eligble to apply. The Stipend is $1,000 and is renewable annually. 

Pick up an application form in your department or in N300 Beadle Center.

Please send all application materials directly to the Graduate Coordinator at

More Information

The Organization for Tropical Studies (OTS) Fellowship

The Organization for Tropical Studies (OTS) is a consortium of over 60 institutions that provides diverse international opportunities for students and faculty to study, work, and conduct research in tropical countries. Since its founding in 1963, OTS has become recognized the world over for excellence in research and education at the undergraduate and graduate level in a wide range of topics including ecology, botany, entomology, international medicine, and public health, with an emphasis on emerging issues of tropical regions. Each year, OTS trains more than 400 undergraduates, graduates, and professionals in rigorous, hands-on, inquiry-based field courses. OTS holds courses and facilitates research through its three state-of-the-art research stations in Costa Rica and also conducts courses in Peru, Brazil, Guyana, and South Africa.

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NSF Grants

The purpose of the NSF Graduate Research Fellowship Program (GRFP) is to help ensure the vitality and diversity of the scientific and engineering workforce in the United States. The program recognizes and supports outstanding graduate students who are pursuing research-based master's and doctoral degrees in fields within NSF's mission.

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Fulbright Grants

The U.S. Fulbright Program is designed to give recent BS/BA graduates, master's and doctoral candidates, and young professionals and artists opportunities for personal development and international experience. Fulbright grants are extremely prestigious awards providing very generous support for study at foreign universities.

If you have questions, please contact Dr. Laura Damuth, Director of National and International Fellowships, and Fulbright Program Advisor at

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Big Ten Academic Alliance Smithsonian Institution Fellowship

The Big Ten Academic Alliance and the Smithsonian Institution (SI) invite fellowship applications for one-year fellowships to support research in residence at Smithsonian Institution facilities. Fellowships carry a stipend of $40,000.  All fields of study that are actively pursued by the museums and research organizations of the Smithsonian Institution are eligible.

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Great Plains Graduate Fellowship

Graduate Fellows are selected annually from individuals nominated by Fellows of the Center. Students who are enrolled in a doctoral program or a terminal-degree master's program in a Great Plains-related discipline on any University of Nebraska campus are eligible; if you wish to be nominated during the nomination period, please contact a Fellow. (Fellows by department). Applications are accepted March of the Spring Semester.

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