Emily Moore
Assistant Professor School of Biological Sciences University of Nebraska-Lincoln
- Address
MANT 402
Lincoln NE 68588-0312 - Phone
Research Interests
The Moore lab is broadly interested in understanding the mechanisms that underly the evolution of complex traits, particularly those that allow for species to form and persist in their environments. To accomplish this, we use quantitative genetics to identify the architecture of complex traits, investigate candidate regions with comparative, functional, and epigenomics, and quantify changes to relevant tissues with histology and tissue-specific gene expression, all while being firmly grounded in organismal biology. For in lab experiments, we use African cichlid fish as a model to identify and measure adaptive traits, identify regions of the genome associated with those traits, and connect changes to the genome to the traits in question to truly connect genotype to phenotype. We also have active collaborations in crickets and deer mice that use computational methods to identify gene regulatory networks that underly reproductive traits in those systems.
Adaptive behaviors in cichlids. Changes to the genome can have profound impacts on patterns of behavior, from highly heritable human psychiatric disorders, like schizophrenia, to modification of parental care strategies that vary between species. Because behaviors can be difficult to quantify and the brain is highly sensitive to environmental context with complex tissue architecture, much of our insight into the genetic mechanisms underlying shifts in behavior has been limited to model organisms. Cichlids can give us special insight into the evolution of behaviors as they harbor a great diversity of behaviors that allow them to exploit and reproduce in a variety of microhabitats. Our lab is working to identify behaviors in this group that are associated with differences in habitat. We have identified alleles associated with exploratory movement and are excited to continue to uncover how genomic changes can re-pattern animal behaviors.
Sex chromosomes and the evolution of secondary sex characteristics. We are also interested in the evolutionary dynamics of sex chromosomes and genetic basis of diversity in sexually polymorphic traits, including morphology, behavior, and reproduction. Sex chromosomes in other vertebrates are diverse in form and have evolved from independent loci many times. While many species have a single sex chromosome pair (such as the XY system), some taxa have systems that are more complex (Moore and Roberts, 2013, Current Biology). Cichlids are a wonderful system to study sex chromosomes and related traits as the group has sex determining regions on several autosomes, and certain populations where multiple sex regions are present at the same time. Secondary sex traits can be influenced by alleles linked to the sex determination locus itself or modified by sex-specific hormone production that occurs once the gonad starts to differentiate. These different mechanisms are predicted to result in distinct evolutionary outcomes depending on the complexity of the sex chromosome landscape and the traits in question. We have shown that sex chromosome combinations have remodeled several putatively adaptive traits, including hormones, craniofacial and reproductive morphology, growth, and exploratory behavior (Moore et al. 2022, PNAS). We are continuing to use this system to understand how sex alleles alter gene networks in relevant tissues.
Reproductive gene expression in mammals. Reproduction is one of the most important facets of fitness, yet not all environments are equally suited for developing young. In collaboration with the Wilsterman Lab at Colorado State University, we are working to understand how local adaptation to high elevation helps protect deer mice during development. By looking at how alleles expressed in developing tissue impact nutrient acquisition and transport, we are gaining insight into how populations evolve to thrive in extreme environments.
Evolutionary, behavioral, and reproductive genomics
- PhD, North Carolina State University
- MS, Colorado State University
- BS, University of Colorado
Recent Publications:
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