Counseling and Psychological Services (CAPS)
Counseling and Psychological Services (CAPS) is committed to providing quality mental health services that meet the needs of a diverse student body by providing a safe, welcoming, and affirming environment during students’ educational journey.
Contact: 402-472-7450 (24 Hours)
Employee Assistance Program (EAP)
The UNL's Employee Assistance Program is a confidential service offered to university employees and their immediate family members at no charge. Consultation and counseling are available to help with personal or work-related problems that can affect general well-being, work performance, or academic performance.
Contact:; 402-472-3107
Big Red Resilience & Well-Being
Big Red Resilience & Well-Being provides fun events, innovative education, and dynamic services to help students understand emotions, manage stress, build strength, connect with others, develop grit, and navigate transitions.
Contact:; 402-472-8770
Center for Advocacy, Response Education (CARE)
This is a confidential, supportive resource for victims/survivors of interpersonal violence and other crimes. They provide advocacy and support for students, faculty, and staff who have experienced sexual assault, domestic/dating violence, stalking, harassment, and other crimes. Their advocates are here to help you navigate campus and community resources.
Contact:; 402-472-3553
Counseling & School Psychology Clinic
The mission of the Counseling and School Psychology Clinic is to improve educational, social, emotional, and behavioral functioning and interactions of individuals, families, groups and counseling/therapy, consultation, and education.
Contact:; 402-472-1152