Purchase Requisition

Purpose and Use

The Purchase Requisition form is used for ordering goods and services from SBS Stockroom and non-eShop vendors. This form is used for both orders placed through SBS Purchasing and for individual UNL P-card holder orders.

Submit Purchase Requisitions forms to bpacpurchasing@unl.edu before 12:00 pm to ensure that the orders will be placed that day. For additional questions, please contact Megan Hamsa, Rene Barfoot, or Brodie Ronspies.

Purchase Requisition Form 

  1. Provide complete name, address, and phone number of vendor. You may also provide an internet address which may be useful to the BPAC Purchasing staff. Failure to provide complete information may delay your orders.
  2. Please fill in required delivery date. Unless stated otherwise, we will use the most economical shipping method available.
  3. Describe each item carefully and completely, providing catalog number(s) and description of each item.
  4. Indicate quantity and valid unit of measure.
  5. Provide estimated unit cost if actual cost is not available.
  6. Please indicate if your order contains radioactive materials or hazardous chemicals by checking the appropriate boxes.
  7. The “specific business purpose” box must be completed. You must specify the business purpose of the items ordered. This provides the backup documentation for compliance and audits with all applicable University, State, and Federal agencies and their statues.
  8. Cost object/WBS (grant) is a required field. Your order will be delayed in processing if we do not have a correct number.
  9. Provide requestors name, phone number and room where order is to be delivered along with supervisors name for contact concerning questions about the requisition.
  10. Any special instructions can be provided in the Special Instructions section. This is a good place to provide quote numbers, additional delivery instructions, or other details not included in previous sections of the form.
  11. Completed forms and any quotes need to be e-mailed to bpacpurchasing@unl.edu for processing.
  12. Once the order is placed, you will receive the order requisition confirming with the order number, date order, estimated delivery and updated price.