Blum earns funding for energy science research

January 18, 2023

Paul Blum in an office or lab

Paul Blum, a Charles Bessey Professor in the School of Biological Sciences, has earned an Energy Research Grant from the Nebraska Center for Energy Sciences Research (NCESR) for a project he is principal investigator for, titled "Biohydrogen systems for electricity and transportation".

Blum is the associate director for the center, which was established in 2006 as a collaboration between Nebraska Public Power District and the university to conduct research on renewable energy sources, energy efficiency, and energy conservation. He also leads the Blum Lab.

From the abstract:

Microbes produce green energy gases including molecular hydrogen (H2) and methane (CH4). Because microbes use renewable feedstocks as substrates, these energy gases are renewable. This proposal seeks to further the development of microbial biohydrogen production by de novo synthesis and by interconversion of methane to hydrogen for electricity production and transportation. It addresses NCESR topic Energy Storage along with Carbon-free fuels, and potentially a Nebraska Hydrogen hub.