Nebraska Center for Energy Sciences Research Grant Awarded to Karrie Weber

by Joel Stranberg

January 30, 2018

The Nebraska Center for Energy Sciences Research has announced that Karrie Weber, an Associate Professor in the School of Biological Sciences  and Department of Earth and Atmospheric Sciences, will be receiving an Energy Research Grant for the year of 2018. She is research group leader on a project with Nicole Buan, an Associate Professor with the Department of Biochemistry, who is the second principal investigator. 

The Nebraska Center for Energy Sciences Research is a collaboration between the Nebraska Public Power District and the University of Nebraska-Lincoln founded with the goal “to foster research and education in energy sciences by providing funding to support innovative research and collaboration among University of Nebraska-Lincoln faculty and other public-and private-sector organizations and businesses working in energy sciences.”

This project, titled "Microbial Electrosynthetic Conversion of CO2 and Carbonates into Biogas and Bioproducts," will be funded for one year for $75,000 with the potential to be granted another $75,000 in Year 2.  The project aims to provide a microbial solution for long term energy storage and the production of valuable chemicals and bioproducts resulting from solar and wind-based power. 

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