Eileen Hebets
For many people, the sight of a spider is enough to cause a surge of fear, an impulse to run away or, for true arachnophobes, extreme reactions like heart palpitations and fainting.
But to Nebraska biologist Eileen Hebets, eight-legged creatures are the stuff not of nightmares but of “D.R.E.A.M.S.” – discovery, research, engagement, adventure, memories and success. During her Nov. 7 Nebraska Lecture, “Using Arachnids to Inspire D.R.E.A.M.S.,” she’ll discuss her groundbreaking discoveries, her passion for informal science education and the curiosity and persistence underlying her research. The free, public lecture is 3:30 p.m. in the Nebraska Union auditorium, 1400 R St., with a reception following.