Research Areas

John DeLong in field

Within the School of Biological Sciences, faculty are affiliated with one of two broad research areas. Faculty collaborate extensively within and between these areas as well as with colleagues in other departments.


Ecology, Evolution, & Behavior (EEB)

Faculty members address fundamental, interdisciplinary research questions that bridge ecological, evolutionary, physiological, and behavioral processes. We use a diversity of approaches to address these questions including: field studies, laboratory experiments, mathematical modelling, comparative genomics, functional genetics, systems biology, and phylogenetics. We are an interactive community of researchers who collaborate among laboratories and across the university to make new discoveries related to the diversity of the natural world.


Genetics, Cellular, & Molecular Biology (GCMB)

Faculty members use proteomic and genomic strategies, combined with bioinformatics to study fundamental biological processes of organisms ranging from viruses, prokaryotes, unicellular eukaryotes and fungi, to whole plants and animals. Areas of focus include cell biology, population and molecular genetics, epigenetics, microbiology, virology, immunology, structural biology, animal/plant pathology, genomics, bioinformatics, and molecular evolution. Interactive clusters of research groups focus on plant and animal virology, microbial physiology and cell biology, comparative pathobiology, plant growth and development, biotic stresses, biofuels, protein engineering, evolutionary genomics, and computational biology.

Animal Behavior

FacultySectionDepartmentResearch Interests
Eileen HebetsEEBBiological Sciences; EntomologyEvolution and Function of Animal Communication, Sensory Systems and Mating Systems
Ian KeeseyEEBBiological SciencesComparative neurobiology, sensory systems, and chemical ecology
Emily MooreEEBBiological SciencesEvolutionary, behavioral, and reproductive genomics
Daizaburo ShizukaEEBBiological SciencesEvolutionary and Behavioral Ecology; Social Networks; Ornithology
Matthew AndrewsGCMBSchool of Natural Resources; School of Biological Sciences; EPSCoRHibernation, Small mammals, Winter adaptation, Metabolism and physiology, Gene expression, Transplantation medicine, Organ preservation, Hemorrhagic shock
Rick BevinsEEBPsychology;Center for Brain, Biology and Behavior; Minority Health Disparities Initiative; Substance Abuse and Violence InitiativeNeuroscience, Pharmacology, Animal Learning and Behavior and Biopsychology
Jeffrey StevensEEBPsychology;Center for Brain, Biology & BehaviorEvolution of Decision Making and Cognition


FacultySectionDepartmentResearch Interests
Alan ChristensenGCMBBiological SciencesDNA Damage and Repair, Plant Mitochondrial Genomes, Repeats Of Unusual Size, Recombination
Emily MooreEEBBiological SciencesEvolutionary, behavioral, and reproductive genomics
Etsuko MoriyamaGCMBBiological Science; Center for Plant Science Innovation; Nebraska Food for Health CenterBioinformatics; Molecular Evolution; Molecular Population Genetics
Hideaki MoriyamaGCMBBiological SciencesElectrophysiology and Structural Biology; Molecular Biology and Biochemistry; Bioinformatics
Nicole SextonGCMBBiological SciencesEvolution, codon usage, and host-virus interactions of arthropod-borne viruses. Genetic robustness of RNA viruses.
Rebecca VarneyGCMBBiological SciencesEukaryotic extremophiles in both freshwater and marine systems, Evolutionary biology, Genomics & Physiology
Eric WeaverGCMBBiological SciencesVirology; Microbiology; Immunology
Chi ZhangGCMBBiological Sciences; Center for Plant Science InnovationComputational Systems Biology; Bioinformatics; Gene Protein Interaction Network; Omics Data Integration
Jeff MowerGCMBAgronomy & Horticulture; Center for Plant Science InnovationComparative Genomics and Molecular Evolution of Plant Genomes
Samodha FernandoGCMBAnimal Science;Food Science & Technology; Nebraska Food for Health Center; Gut Function InitiativeMicrobiome; Host-Microbe Interactions; Microbe-Microbe Interactions; Antibiotic Resistance
Jessica PetersenGCMBAnimal ScienceIdentifying Functional Variation Associated with Health and Performance Traits in Livestock and Horses
Jean-Jack RiethovenGCMBCenter for BiotechnologyBioinformatics; Computational Biology; Massive Parallel Workflows; Cloud Computing for Lifesciences
Andrew BensonGCMBFood Science & Technology; Nebraska Food for Health CenterComplex Sets of Host and Dietary Factors that Collectively Influence Composition and Function of the Gut Microbiome
Asit K. PattnaikGCMBVeterinary Medicine & Biomedical Sciences;Nebraska Center for VirologyZika Virus Replication and Pathogenesis; Host Cell Functions in RNA Virus Replication, Antivirals, Vaccines, Interferons

Biology Education & Science Communication

FacultySectionDepartmentResearch Interests
Chad BrassilEEBBiological SciencesMathematical Modeling of Ecological Interactions
Brian CouchGCMBBiological SciencesAssessment in Undergraduate STEM Courses
Eileen HebetsEEBBiological Sciences; EntomologyInformal Science Education, STEM Outreach, and Science Communication
Karl ReinhardEEBNatural ResourcesParasitology; Palynology


FacultySectionDepartmentResearch Interests
Chad BrassilEEBBiological SciencesMathematical Modeling of Ecological Interactions
Clay CresslerEEBBiological SciencesDisease Ecology and Evolution
John DeLongEEBBiological SciencesBody Size Evolution; Predator-Prey Ecology; Eco-evolutionary Dynamics; Ecological and Evolutionary Energetics; Human Population Ecology
Sheri FritzEEBBiological Sciences; Earth & Atmospheric SciencesPaleoecology; Aquatic Ecology; Tropical Ecology
Eileen HebetsEEBBiological Sciences; EntomologyEvolution and Function of Animal Communication, Sensory Systems, and Mating Systems
Michael HermanEEB/GCMBBiological SciencesGenetics, Evolutionary and Ecological Genomics, Nematode-Bacterial Interactions
Ian KeeseyEEBBiological SciencesComparative neurobiology, sensory systems, and chemical ecology
Kate LyonsEEBBiological Sciences; Smithsonian InstituteSpecies and Community Level Responses to Climate Change; Extinction and Extinction Risk; Macroecological Patterns Across Space and Time; Macroevolution of Body Size in Mammals; Biases in the Mammalian Fossil Record
Sabrina E. RussoEEBBiological Sciences; Center for Root & Rhizobiome innovationBiodiversity; Plant Ecology and Ecophysiology; Plant-Microbe Interactions; Seed Dispersal
Daizaburo ShizukaEEBBiological SciencesEvolutionary and Behavioral Ecology; Social Networks; Ornithology
Brigitte TenhumbergEEBBiological Sciences; Mathematics; Natural Resources; Entomology; Agronomy & HorticulturePlant and Insect Ecology; Life History Evolution; Population Management and Demography
Peter WagnerEEBBiological Sciences; Earth & Atmospheric Sciences; Nebraska State MuseumPhylogenetics; Sampling Theory; Evolutionary Rates; Evolutionary Trends
Karrie A. WeberGCMBBiological Sciences; Earth and Atmospheric Sciences, Nebraska Water Center, Daughtery Water for Food InstituteMicrobiology of Soil, Sediment and Water Biogeochemical Cycling; Geomicrobiology of Modern and Paleo-Environments; Physiology of Novel Microorganisms and Metabolisms Using Culture Dependent and Independent Techniques
Bob ZinkEEBBiological Sciences; Natural ResourcesSystematics; Phylogeography; Conservation Genetics
Samodha FernandoGCMBAnimal Science; Food Science & Technology; Nebraska Food for Health Center; Gut Function InitiativeMicrobiome; Host-Microbe Interactions; Microbe-Microbe Interactions; Antibiotic Resistance
Rhae DrijberPPAgronomy & Horticulture; Plant Pathology; Center for Plant Science InnovationSoil Microbial Ecology; Soil and Plant Root Microbiomes; Ecology of Mycorrhizal Fungi; Soil Carbon and Nitrogen Cycling; Agronomic Impacts on Soil Processes
David WedinEEBNatural ResourcesPlant Ecology; Ecosystem Science
Bob HarvesonPPPlant Pathology;Panhandle Research and Extension CenterRoot Rot Diseases of Sugar Beets; Bacterial Diseases of Dry Beans; Diseases of Sunflower, Peas, Chickpeas and Potatoes
Jeffrey StevensEEBPsychology; Center for Brain, Biology & BehaviorEvolution of Decision Making and Cognition


FacultySectionDepartmentResearch Interests
Sheri FritzEEBBiological Sciences; Earth & Atmospheric SciencesPaleoecology; Aquatic Ecology; Tropical Ecology
Eileen HebetsEEBBiological Sciences; EntomologyEvolution and Function of Animal Communication, Sensory Systems and Mating Systems
Ian KeeseyEEBBiological SciencesComparative neurobiology, sensory systems, and chemical ecology
Colin MeiklejohnEEBBiological SciencesPopulation, Evolutionary, and Speciation Genomics
Kristi MontoothEEBBiological SciencesEvolution of Genes, Genomes and Physiology
Emily MooreEEBBiological SciencesEvolutionary, behavioral, and reproductive genomics
Etsuko MoriyamaGCMBBiological Sciences; Center for Plant Science Innovation; Nebraska Food for Health CenterBioinformatics; Molecular Evolution; Molecular Population Genetics
Nicole SextonGCMBBiological SciencesEvolution, codon usage, and host-virus interactions of arthropod-borne viruses. Genetic robustness of RNA viruses.
Jay StorzEEBBiological SciencesEvolutionary Genetics, Genomics and Physiology
Rebecca VarneyGCMBBiological SciencesEukaryotic extremophiles in both freshwater and marine systems, Evolutionary biology, Genomics & Physiology
Peter WagnerEEBBiological Sciences; Earth & Atmospheric Sciences; Nebraska State MuseumPhylogenetics; Sampling Theory; Evolutionary Rates; Evolutionary Trends


Genetics & Genomics

FacultySectionDepartmentResearch Interests
Heriberto CeruttiGCMBBiological Sciences; Center for Plant Science InnovationFunctional Genomics; Epigenetics; RNA interference; Biotechnology; Renewable Biofuels
Alan ChristensenGCMBBiological SciencesDNA Damage and Repair, Plant Mitochondrial Genomes, Repeats Of Unusual Size, Recombination
Brian CouchGCMBBiological SciencesAssessment in Undergraduate STEM Courses
Michael HermanEEB/GCMBBiological SciencesGenetics, Evolutionary and Ecological Genomics, Nematode-Bacterial Interactions
Colin MeiklejohnEEBBiological SciencesPopulation, Evolutionary, and Speciation Genomics
Kristi MontoothEEBBiological SciencesEvolution of Genes, Genomes and Physiology
Emily MooreEEBBiological SciencesEvolutionary, behavioral, and reproductive genomics
Etsuko MoriyamaGCMBBiological Sciences; Center for Plant Science Innovation; Nebraska Food for Health CenterBioinformatics; Molecular Evolution; Molecular Population Genetics
Jay StorzEEBBiological SciencesEvolutionary Genetics, Genomics and Physiology
Rebecca VarneyGCMBBiological SciencesEukaryotic extremophiles in both freshwater and marine systems, Evolutionary biology, Genomics & Physiology
Karrie A. WeberGCMBBiological Sciences; Earth and Atmospheric Sciences, Nebraska Water Center, Daughtery Water for Food InstituteMicrobiology of Soil, Sediment and Water Biogeochemical Cycling; Geomicrobiology of Modern and Paleo-Environments; Physiology of Novel Microorganisms and Metabolisms Using Culture Dependent and Independent Techniques
Bin YuGCMBBiological Sciences; Center for Plant Science InnovationRNA Silencing and Epigenetics
Chi ZhangGCMBBiological Sciences; Center for Plant Science InnovationComputational Systems Biology; Bioinformatics; Gene Protein Interaction Network; Omics Data Integration
Bob ZinkEEBBiological Sciences; Natural ResourcesSystematics; Phylogeography; Conservation Genetics
Matthew AndrewsGCMBSchool of Natural Resources; School of Biological Sciences; EPSCoRHibernation, Small mammals, Winter adaptation, Metabolism and physiology, Gene expression, Transplantation medicine, Organ preservation, Hemorrhagic shock
P. Stephen BaenzigerGCMBAgronomy & HorticulturePlant Breeding and Genetics
Jeff MowerGCMBAgronomy & Horticulture; Center for Plant Science InnovationComparative Genomics and Molecular Evolution of Plant Genomes
Harkamal WaliaGCMBAgronomy & Horticulture; Center for Plant Science InnovationPlant Adaptation to Environmental Stresses
Daniel CiobanuGCMBAnimal ScienceFunctional Genomics; Genetic Dissection of Complex Traits; Genetics of Disease Susceptibility
Jessica PetersenGCMBAnimal ScienceIdentifying Functional Variation Associated with Health and Performance Traits in Livestock and Horses
Nicole BuanGCMBBiochemistryBiochemistry; Redox Biology Center; Nebraska Center for Integrated Biomolecular CommunicationResearch Interests: Microbial Physiology and Metabolism, Redox Biochemistry, Bioenergy, Systems and Synthetic Biology
Andrew BensonGCMBFood Science and Technology; Nebraska Food for Health CenterComplex Sets of Host and Dietary Factors that Collectively Influence Composition and Function of the Gut Microbiome
Richard WilsonGCMB, PPPlant Pathology; Redox Biology CenterMolecular Mechanisms Governing Fungal Colonization of Rice Cells
Asit K. PattnaikGCMBVeterinary Medicine & Biomedical Sciences; Nebraska Center for VirologyZika Virus Replication and Pathogenesis; Host Cell Functions in RNA Virus Replication, Antivirals, Vaccines, Interferons
Fernando OsorioGCMBVeterinary Medicine & Biomedical Sciences; Nebraska Center for VirologyPathogenesis and Protective Immunity of Animal Viruses, using animal models testing vaccines in their target species
Matt WiebeGCMBVeterinary Medicine & Biomedical Sciences; Nebraska Center for VirologyMolecular Biology of Poxviruses; Intrinsic Defenses Against Foreign DNA

Human Health

FacultySectionDepartmentResearch Interests
Qingsheng LiGCMBBiological Sciences; Nebraska Center for VirologyHIV Transmission, Vaccine, and Prevention
Luwen ZhangGCMBBiological Sciences; Nebraska Center for VirologyViral Oncogenesis; Stem Cell Biology; Infectious Diseases; Innate Immunity
Andrew BensonGCMBFood Science and Technology; Nebraska Food for Health CenterComplex Sets of Host and Dietary Factors that Collectively Influence Composition and Function of the Gut Microbiome
Bob HutkinsGCMBFood Science and Technology; Nebraska Food for Health CenterGut Microbiology, Probiotics, Prebiotics
Amanda Ramer-TaitGCMBFood Science and Technology; Nebraska Food for Health CenterHost-Microbiota Interactions; Influence of the Diet on the Gut Microbiota
Thomas PetroGCMBUNMCOral Biology;Nebraska Center for Virology; Nebraska Center for Cell SignalingAntiviral and Antitumor Immune Responses
Rick BevinsEEBPsychology;Center for Brain, Biology and Behavior; Minority Health Disparities Initiative; Substance Abuse and Violence InitiativeNeuroscience, Pharmacology, Animal Learning and Behavior and Biopsychology
Shi-Hua XiangGCMBVeterinary Medicine and Biomedical Sciences; Nebraska Center for VirologyMolecular Virology; Anti-Viral Research (Vaccines and Therapeutics)

Mathematical Modeling

FacultySectionDepartmentResearch Interests
Chad BrassilEEBBiological SciencesMathematical Modeling of Ecological Interactions
Clay CresslerEEBBiological SciencesDisease Ecology and Evolution
John DeLongEEBBiological SciencesBody Size Evolution; Predator-Prey Ecology; Eco-evolutionary Dynamics; Ecological and Evolutionary Energetics; Human Population Ecology
Hideaki MoriyamaGCMBBiological SciencesElectrophysiology and Structural Biology; Molecular Biology and Biochemistry; Bioinformatics
Sabrina E. RussoEEBBiological Sciences; Center for Root & Rhizobiome innovationBiodiversity; Plant Ecology and Ecophysiology; Plant-Microbe Interactions; Seed Dispersal
Brigitte TenhumbergEEBBiological Sciences; Mathematics; Natural Resources; Entomology; Agronomy & HorticulturePlant and Insect Ecology; Life History Evolution; Population Management and Demography
Peter WagnerEEBBiological Sciences; Earth & Atmospheric Sciences; Nebraska State MuseumPhylogenetics; Sampling Theory; Evolutionary Rates; Evolutionary Trends
Jeffrey StevensEEBPsychology; Center for Brain, Biology & BehaviorEvolution of Decision Making and Cognition


FacultySectionDepartmentResearch Interests
Heriberto CeruttiGCMBBiological Sciences; Center for Plant Science InnovationFunctional Genomics; Epigenetics; RNA interference; Biotechnology; Renewable Biofuels
Michael HermanEEB/GCMBBiological SciencesGenetics, Evolutionary and Ecological Genomics, Nematode-Bacterial Interactions
Ian KeeseyEEBBiological SciencesComparative neurobiology, sensory systems, and chemical ecology
Ken NickersonGCMB, PPBiological Sciences; Plant Pathology; ChemistryQuorum Sensing and Fungal Dimorphism in Candida albicans
Karrie A. WeberGCMBBiological Sciences;Earth and Atmospheric Sciences, Nebraska Water Center, Daughtery Water for Food InstituteMicrobiology of Soil, Sediment and Water Biogeochemical Cycling; Geomicrobiology of Modern and Paleo-Environments; Physiology of Novel Microorganisms and Metabolisms Using Culture Dependent and Independent Techniques
Luwen ZhangGCMBBiological Sciences; Nebraska Center for VirologyViral Oncogenesis; Stem Cell Biology; Infectious Diseases; Innate Immunity
Samodha FernandoGCMBAnimal Science; Food Science & Technology; Nebraska Food for Health Center; Gut Function InitiativeMicrobiome; Host-Microbe Interactions; Microbe-Microbe Interactions; Antibiotic Resistance
Rhae DrijberPPAgronomy & Horticulture; Plant Pathology; Center for Plant Science InnovationSoil Microbial Ecology; Soil and Plant Root Microbiomes; Ecology of Mycorrhizal Fungi; Soil Carbon and Nitrogen Cycling; Agronomic Impacts on Soil Processes
Nicole BuanGCMBBiochemistryBiochemistry; Redox Biology Center; Nebraska Center for Integrated Biomolecular CommunicationResearch Interests: Microbial Physiology and Metabolism, Redox Biochemistry, Bioenergy, Systems and Synthetic Biology
Andrew BensonGCMBFood Science & Technology; Nebraska Food for Health CenterComplex Sets of Host and Dietary Factors that Collectively Influence Composition and Function of the Gut Microbiome
Bob HutkinsGCMBFood Science & Technology; Nebraska Food for Health CenterGut Microbiology, Probiotics, Prebiotics
Jacques IzardGCMBFood Science & TechnologyMicrobiome of the Digestive Tract, Interaction with Wellness and Diet
Amanda Ramer-TaitGCMBFood Science & Technology; Nebraska Food for Health CenterHost-Microbiota Interactions; Influence of the Diet on the Gut Microbiota
Thomas PetroGCMBUNMCOral Biology; Nebraska Center for Virology; Nebraska Center for Cell SignalingAntiviral and Antitumor Immune Responses
Bob HarvesonPPPlant Pathology; Panhandle Research and Extension CenterRoot Rot Diseases of Sugar Beets; Bacterial Diseases of Dry Beans; Diseases of Sunflower, Peas, Chickpeas and Potatoes
James SteadmanPPPlant Pathology;Center for Plant Science Innovation; Agronomy and Horticulture; Panhandle Research and Extension CenterBean Diseases
James Van EttenGCMB, PPPlant Pathology; Nebraska Center for Virology 
Richard WilsonGCMB, PPPlant Pathology; Redox Biology CenterMolecular Mechanisms Governing Fungal Colonization of Rice Cells
Raul BarlettaGCMBVeterinary & Biomedical Sciences; Redox Biology CenterMolecular Genetics of Pathogenesis and Drug Resistance in Mycobacteria
Shi-Hua XiangGCMBVeterinary Medicine and Biomedical Sciences; Nebraska Center for VirologyMolecular Virology; Anti-Viral Research (Vaccines and Therapeutics)

Molecular & Cellular Biology

FacultySectionDepartmentResearch Interests
Heriberto CeruttiGCMBBiological Sciences; Center for Plant Science InnovationFunctional Genomics; Epigenetics; RNA interference; Biotechnology; Renewable Biofuels
Brian CouchGCMBBiological SciencesAssessment in Undergraduate STEM Courses
Michael HermanEEB/GCMBBiological SciencesGenetics, Evolutionary and Ecological Genomics, Nematode-Bacterial Interactions
Colin MeiklejohnEEBBiological SciencesPopulation, Evolutionary, and Speciation Genomics
Etsuko MoriyamaGCMBBiological Sciences; Center for Plant Science Innovation; Nebraska Food for Health CenterBioinformatics; Molecular Evolution; Molecular Population Genetics
Ken NickersonGCMB, PPBiological Sciences; Plant Pathology; ChemistryQuorum Sensing and Fungal Dimorphism in Candida albicans
Nicole SextonGCMBBiological SciencesEvolution, codon usage, and host-virus interactions of arthropod-borne viruses. Genetic robustness of RNA viruses.
Rebecca VarneyGCMBBiological SciencesEukaryotic extremophiles in both freshwater and marine systems, Evolutionary biology, Genomics & Physiology
Eric WeaverGCMBBiological Sciences; Nebraska Center for VirologyVirology; Microbiology; Immunology
Karrie A. WeberGCMBBiological Sciences; Earth and Atmospheric Sciences, Nebraska Water Center, Daughtery Water for Food InstituteMicrobiology of Soil, Sediment and Water Biogeochemical Cycling; Geomicrobiology of Modern and Paleo-Environments; Physiology of Novel Microorganisms and Metabolisms Using Culture Dependent and Independent Techniques
Bin YuGCMBBiological Sciences; Center for Plant Science InnovationRNA Silencing and Epigenetics
Luwen ZhangGCMBBiological Sciences; Nebraska Center for VirologyViral Oncogenesis; Stem Cell Biology; Infectious Diseases; Innate Immunity
Matthew AndrewsGCMBSchool of Natural Resources; School of Biological Sciences; EPSCoRHibernation, Small mammals, Winter adaptation, Metabolism and physiology, Gene expression, Transplantation medicine, Organ preservation, Hemorrhagic shock
Paul StaswickGCMBAgronomy & Hortculture; Center for Plant Science InnovationHormonal Activity in Plants
Nicole BuanGCMBBiochemistryBiochemistry; Redox Biology Center; Nebraska Center for Integrated Biomolecular CommunicationResearch Interests: Microbial Physiology and Metabolism, Redox Biochemistry, Bioenergy, Systems and Synthetic Biology
Thomas PetroGCMBUNMCOral Biology;Nebraska Center for Virology; Nebraska Center for Cell SignalingAntiviral and Antitumor Immune Responses
James Van EttenGCMB, PPPlant Pathology; Nebraska Center for Virology 
Richard WilsonGCMB, PPPlant Pathology; Redox Biology CenterMolecular Mechanisms Governing Fungal Colonization of Rice Cells
Asit K. PattnaikGCMBVeterinary Medicine & Biomedical Sciences; Nebraska Center for VirologyZika Virus Replication and Pathogenesis; Host Cell Functions in RNA Virus Replication, Antivirals, Vaccines, Interferons
Fernando OsorioGCMBVeterinary Medicine & Biomedical Sciences; Nebraska Center for VirologyPathogenesis and Protective Immunity of Animal Viruses, using animal models testing vaccines in their target species
Matt WiebeGCMBVeterinary Medicine & Biomedical Sciences; Nebraska Center for VirologyMolecular Biology of Poxviruses; Intrinsic Defenses Against Foreign DNA
Shi-Hua XiangGCMBVeterinary Medicine and Biomedical Sciences; Nebraska Center for VirologyMolecular Virology; Anti-Viral Research (Vaccines and Therapeutics)


FacultySectionDepartmentResearch Interests
Clay CresslerEEBBiological SciencesDisease Ecology and Evolution
Scott GardnerEEBBiological Sciences; H.W. Manter Laboratory of ParasitologyParasite Mammal Biodiversity
Karl ReinhardEEBNatural ResourcesParasitology; Palynology

Plant Biology & Pathology

FacultySectionDepartmentResearch Interests
Heriberto CeruttiGCMBBiological Sciences; Center for Plant Science InnovationFunctional Genomics; Epigenetics; RNA interference; Biotechnology; Renewable Biofuels
Alan ChristensenGCMBBiological SciencesDNA Damage and Repair, Plant Mitochondrial Genomes, Repeats Of Unusual Size, Recombination
Sabrina E. RussoEEBBiological Sciences; Center for Root & Rhizobiome innovationBiodiversity; Plant Ecology and Ecophysiology; Plant-Microbe Interactions; Seed Dispersal
Bin YuGCMBBiological Sciences; Center for Plant Science InnovationRNA Silencing and Epigenetics
P. Stephen BaenzigerGCMBAgronomy & HorticulturePlant Breeding and Genetics
Rhae DrijberPPAgronomy & Horticulture; Plant Pathology; Center for Plant Science InnovationSoil Microbial Ecology; Soil and Plant Root Microbiomes; Ecology of Mycorrhizal Fungi; Soil Carbon and Nitrogen Cycling; Agronomic Impacts on Soil Processes
Jeff MowerGCMBAgronomy & Horticulture; Center for Plant Science InnovationComparative Genomics and Molecular Evolution of Plant Genomes
Daniel SchachtmanGCMBAgronomy & Horticulture; Center for Biotechnology; Center for Plant Science InnovationPlant Root Microbiome, Plant Abiotic Stress Tolerance, Microbial Diversity, Plant Physiology and Molecular Biology
Paul StaswickGCMBAgronomy & Horticulture; Center for Plant Science InnovationHormonal Activity in Plants
Harkamal WaliaGCMBAgronomy & Horticulture; Center for Plant Science InnovationPlant Adaptation to Environmental Stresses
Karl ReinhardEEBNatural ResourcesParasitology; Palynology
Bob HarvesonPPPlant Pathology; Panhandle Research and Extension CenterRoot Rot Diseases of Sugar Beets; Bacterial Diseases of Dry Beans; Diseases of Sunflower, Peas, Chickpeas and Potatoes
Richard WilsonGCMB, PPPlant Pathology; Redox Biology CenterMolecular Mechanisms Governing Fungal Colonization of Rice Cells


FacultySectionDepartmentResearch Interests
Qingsheng LiGCMBBiological Sciences, Nebraska Center for VirologyHIV Transmission, Vaccine, and Prevention
Hideaki MoriyamaGCMBBiological SciencesElectrophysiology and Structural Biology; Molecular Biology and Biochemistry; Bioinformatics
Nicole SextonGCMBBiological SciencesEvolution, codon usage, and host-virus interactions of arthropod-borne viruses. Genetic robustness of RNA viruses.
Eric WeaverGCMBBiological Sciences; Nebraska Center for VirologyVirology; Microbiology; Immunology
Luwen ZhangGCMBBiological Sciences; Nebraska Center for VirologyViral Oncogenesis; Stem Cell Biology; Infectious Diseases; Innate Immunity
Samodha FernandoGCMBAnimal Science; Food Science & Technology; Nebraska Food for Health Center; Gut Function InitiativeMicrobiome; Host-Microbe Interactions; Microbe-Microbe Interactions; Antibiotic Resistance
Hiep VuGCMBAnimal Science; Nebraska Center for VirologyIntervention Strategies to Control Animal Viruses
Thomas PetroGCMBUNMC Oral Biology; Nebraska Center for Virology; Nebraska Center for Cell SignalingAntiviral and Antitumor Immune Responses
James Van EttenGCMB, PPPlant Pathology; Nebraska Center for Virology 
Asit K. PattnaikGCMBVeterinary Medicine & Biomedical Sciences; Nebraska Center for VirologyZika Virus Replication and Pathogenesis; Host Cell Functions in RNA Virus Replication, Antivirals, Vaccines, Interferons
Fernando OsorioGCMBVeterinary Medicine & Biomedical Sciences; Nebraska Center for VirologyPathogenesis and Protective Immunity of Animal Viruses, using animal models testing vaccines in their target species
Matt WiebeGCMBVeterinary Medicine & Biomedical Sciences; Nebraska Center for VirologyMolecular Biology of Poxviruses; Intrinsic Defenses Against Foreign DNA
Shi-Hua XiangGCMBVeterinary Medicine & Biomedical Sciences; Nebraska Center for VirologyMolecular Virology; Anti-Viral Research (Vaccines and Therapeutics)

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